Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Been too long

Don't think that you have heard the last of me!!  I fell off the wagon a bit here and there.  Got myself up to just over 183 a little over two weeks ago.  But as of this morning I am 174.  I am almost at the lowest weight I've ever been as an adult!  YAY!!!

Work has been keeping me exceptionally busy.  I struggled a lot the first month of the new school year, trying to eat right, but basically stress eating.  I was also struggling with my running.  Around the start of September, I worked myself up to a 2.0 mile run in 20 minutes.  I felt unstoppable.  I was okay with the fact that my weight had been basically stagnant for two months.  Then, after running those two miles, I must have injured myself (let me follow this up by letting you know that I didn't stop at the 2 miles, I then carried two massive laundry bags up and down flights of stairs, and then did a one hour intense workout with weights and cardio combined - circuit training).  Since then, I have had a massive pain when I run.  I have tried everything - changing what I eat before I run, running on an empty stomach, running slowly, changing my breathing, changing my stretching, taking breaks while I run... nothing has worked.  Only when it started hurting while I was doing Zumba did I realize that this might actually be an injury (I was thinking I had a side stitch... apparently not). 

The 5K was this past Saturday, and sure enough, I walked almost the entire thing.  That's okay though, my father and sister were there with me - and we had an awesome time.  My other sister (the tiny lil nothing of a thing - grr *jealous!*) took off running and beat her *already incredible* personal record for running a 5k.  We all had a great time, and that's what matters most.

I have been having many, many cheat days.  Well, I HAD been having many cheat days.  I was literally eating chocolate every single day.  Not sure why.  Not sure what I was thinking, I just ate.  I indulged a bit too much and put on about 7 pounds.  Thankfully, I took it all off (and a few extra pounds) within a week and a half.  :) 

Now I am taking a break from working out.  It bothers me.  Alot!  I don't like the idea that I won't be able to run or kickbox or do zumba for a month or so, but if I want to see improvements in my athletic ability, I know that working out while I'm injured is not a good idea.  As long as I'm eating right, then I should still see some sort of a drop in weight. 

I am CRAZY excited to (hopefully) soon be seeing the 160's on the scale.  I've said it before, and I'll say it again, to many of you out there, 160s is HEAVY, but for me, it's incredible.  I think I may have been in the 160's in high school.  I honestly can't remember what I weighed in high school.  I can tell you that I was extremely out of shape, especially considering I played basketball.  I should have been in incredible shape.  I remember games where I just didn't have the energy to run anymore.  Games where the ball would literally bounce past me as I staggered to the floor to try to get it.  Games where I would sit on the sidelines and cry because I didn't have the strength to make it through, despite my desperate desire to be in the game.

I remember gaining a lot of weight immediately out of high school.  I was dating a boy from high school, we dated for two years.  Just before we broke up, in April 2003, I had worked my way up to the 190s.  I started to lose weight at the end of our relationship; probably for no reason other than to start grabbing the attention of boys around college.  My next relationship my weight fluctuated, but never drastically.  By the end of that relationship in 2005, I was around 200's.  I quickly lost a ton of weight (being called a "fat cow" by the person you love most [at that time] can really get one motivated), getting down to 175, and by the time I met my husband, in August 2006, I was 177.  It's amazing how I am 3 lbs lighter than I was 6 years ago when we met, but how different my body is now.  I feel (and look) much heavier than when we met.  I know, I know, I've had two kids, but still!  177 was my "skinny" 6 years ago.  Now... it's my "not-so-bad-but-you-have-ways-to-go" 

When Adam and I got married I weighed 211 lbs.  By the time I was pregnant with Joshua, only two short months later, I got up to 217.  Which is where I basically hung out for the next year before losing all that weight (the start of this blog back in 2010). 

In short - 160s excites me.  150s seems like it can't happen (at least not right now.  Maybe as I get lower in 160s). 

For now, I'm enjoying the journey.  I need constant motivation, but at the same time, I'm here to motivate YOU.  For those of you taking this journey, don't give up.  You can do this!  WE can do this!

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