Saturday, May 1, 2010

I'm back!

It's been too long.

Here is the deal: I haven't been doing too well. Adam lost his job April 1st (something we saw coming for a while) and I have been having a hard time at work myself. I was denied tenure (given an extension, actually), which means that if I don't get tenure by next year, I can no longer teach in NY state.. or possibly anywhere because why would anyone want to hire a teacher that has been fired?

So, basically this put me into a bit of depression: going to bed at 8-9 pm, a lot of crying, With so much to focus on: work, looking for a new school, college courses, adam's lack of employment, my career being ruined, the baby... dieting felt like just one more thing to focus on that I just couldn't do. Instead of no longer stressing work, I no longer stressed my health. Good job, Cindy! In the last two months (roughly) I have gone back and forth between 196 and 199 pounds. When I stopped dieting and working out I had been down 23 lbs. I gained 5 lbs back within two weeks and have been fluctuating between those weights.

I realized that I wasn't making myself any happier or bettering my situation by giving up. I had been doing SO well, and I just gave up. It felt like one more thing to focus, and I didn't have the energy.

Anyway, I'm back :) I started up again on Tuesday. I started Tuesday at 198.8 and have lost 4 pounds since then. I'm down to 194.8

Mini goal: By next Saturday, I would like to be 193 lbs.

I will have to keep up with everything I was doing before: the blogging, the logging of my daily weight, journaling all my food intake, working out 5 times a week... whatever I need to do. I'd LOVE to lose another 20 lbs by the end of the school year.

Well, with that it's time to go.

1 comment:

  1. I pray things change soon. But, the fact that through all that, you are still determined to keep on with this weight journey is admirable!
